Eating Healthy Carbs for Weight Loss

Are You Dreaming of Carbs?

Low carbohydrate diets may work temporarily, leading to some reduction in body weight, but low-carb diets are not sustainable!

Carbohydrates contain dietary fiber and sugar in the form of glucose, which is a vital source of fuel for muscles during exercise, and the preferred fuel source for the brain and nervous system. In order to sustain physical activity, the body constantly uses and replenishes its store of glucose. Carbohydrates in our diets provide essential nutrients for the cells in our bodies to be able to function optimally.

Why are Carbs important?

Carbohydrates aid in metabolism of fat, therefore a diet inadequate in carbohydrates can essentially limit the metabolism of body fat. Additionally, adequate intake of carbohydrates allows the body to spare break down of lean muscle mass for energy; consequently allowing the body to better use dietary protein intake to rebuild and repair skeletal muscle.

In a well balanced diet (taking into consideration physical activity level, age, weight, and height), carbohydrates should supply approximately 45 – 65% of your daily energy needs (according to the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans). Carbohydrates are particularly essential for athletes that perform high intensity exercise, where the body’s oxygen needs cannot be processed at a high enough rate to meet demand.

Choose Carbs wisely!

If you’re over indulging in unhealthy processed carbohydrates and trying to lose weight, it may be beneficial to substitute some carbohydrates and/or fat calories with calories form lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish, or eggs.

Choose nutrient dense, fiber rich carbohydrates like starchy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains (like brown rice, quinoa, and oats), legumes, nuts, and seeds. Avoid highly processed carbohydrates that contain added sugars and offer little nutritional value. Adequate carbohydrate intake can help you feel full longer, aid in fat metabolism, and help preserve lean muscle mass. Try to eat a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables every day!

Looking for Healthy Whole Wheat Bread options, here are some of my favs:

Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain BreadDave’s Killer Bread , & Alvarado St. Bakery

Here are some great links about Fueling Your Body for Energy with Healthy Carbs:


Special thanks to Claire Byrne (ClaireYourMind) for the great photo of her #bathinginwaffles.